pour over coffee filter dripper

How To Make Pour Over Coffee When Camping

How To Make Pour Over Coffee When Camping

As the pandemic forced everyone to cancel their trips abroad, people opted to go camping and backpacking for their vacations. Just because you're camping out in the middle of nowhere doesn't mean you have to drink instant coffee. Portable coffee makers are straightforward to use and inexpensive.

Making pour over coffee isn't difficult, yet it provides you with a delicious cup every time! It's also a more cost-effective and sustainable way to brew coffee than using single-serving packs.

What You'll Need

It is not that different to make a cup of pour over coffee while camping than when making it at home.

You'll need the basics:

  • Coffee grounds or beans if you have a grinder
  • A nice thermal mug to keep your coffee hot 
  • A coffee drip filter to filter out delicious coffee

Yea that's right you don't need any paper filters with 2X Espresso's pour over...Check it out- stainless steel coffee filter, it's reusable and has wings to ensure it will fit on any mug/cup you use.

You may also want to bring an air tight container to store your beans in if you are camping for more than a couple fo days so your coffee beans/grounds stay fresh.

pour over coffee camping

How to Make Pour Over While Camping

You can brew pour over whether you choose to use a camping stove burner to boil the water or set the kettle over the fire it really doesn't make a difference.

Open up your filter cone, place it over your coffee mug, and add the correct quantity of coffee grounds (we recommend 30-40 grams) or a 1:5-1:4 ratio. But it all depends on how strong you like your coffee!

You want to use a medium coarse grind to ensure the perfect cup. If your grind is too coarse the water will run straight through the grounds and your coffee will be tasteless, conversely if your grind is too fine the water won't be able run through fast enough and your coffee will be cold by the time you've brewed a cup.

Make sure you tap the coffee filter to even out the surface of the grounds and avoid clumps.

reusable pour-over coffee filtercamping pour over coffee

Boil the water in a kettle and remember to let it cool down slightly before pouring.

When the water is ready, pour enough water over the grounds to saturate them, this should take about 5-10 seconds. You should see bubble form which is carbon dioxide. 

Don't overfill the filter! You should let the coffee bloom and the water drip for about 30 seconds before continuing to pour in circles over the coffee grounds.

Pour overs take time and patience to make but rewards you with a smooth and delicious cup of coffee. The temperature of the water, the amount, and the way you pour can all alter the complexity of the final flavours.

For the first pour, start at the outer edge and work in a slow spiral towards the centre.

The second one begins in the centre, moves out towards the edge, and then back in. It helps stir up the coffee and evenly extract all the grounds.

Once all the water has gone through the coffee filter, remove your cone and enjoy your drink!


Cleaning up is just as hassle-free: pack up the used coffee grounds dump into your compost or bin, rinse the filter out, and wipe it down.

You're now ready for tomorrow morning's cup of joe!

pour over coffee filter dripper

Final Thoughts on Camping Pour Over Coffee 

The meditative process of brewing a cup of pour over coffee is perfect for a relaxed morning surrounded by wildlife.

Here at 2X Espresso, we focus on quality and comfortability so that you can travel without forgoing your morning rituals. You shouldn't have to worry about how you'll have your pour over coffee while out camping!

1 comment

  • Lynne: March 12, 2022
    Author image

    Awesome read! Thanks!!

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